These are all the things that I have been filling my night with, rather than writing a story about a gay boy named Alan (which is the homework I actually need to complete for my fiction class).
1. dye hair with red kool-aid
2. look up organic soap online
3. take a typing test, to yet again discover that I type averagely somewhere between 87 and 93 wpm (my version of a pick-me-up)
4. think about how much I like doing laundry
5. change clothes
6. wonder if I should've closed the blinds before I changed clothes
7. look up tlc's "don't go chasing waterfalls" on youtube and sing along
8. eat a handful of flavor-blasted goldfish and then vow that will be the last handful
9. go on facebook
10. go on twitter
11. go on, which is probably one of the funniest blogs I have ever read in my life (which is saying something, because I've read a lot of blogs), probably because it is so frighteningly relatable...
12. in a fit of productivity, ex out of EVERY website open on my browser and go back to typing asdfghjkl over and over again on a blank document
13. turn on my iTunes
14. browse the iTunes library of every other Houghton student who has their homeshare turned on, especially the libraries named "An Organist Does Listen to Some Normal Music", "KFURMZ", and "Charlie Sheen"
15. Charlie Sheen's library was a let down
16. but he had a whole bunch of 3OH!3 on there so...
17. listen to the entire 3OH!3 Want album, and realize I still know all the lyrics to every song
18. finish the album and feel really guilty because I just wasted like an hour of writing time jamming out to, of all bands, 3OH!3...
19. wonder who i even am anymore
20. contemplate existence
21. go back onto facebook
22. still no notifications, nobody loves me
23. try to estimate the number of people i can pretty safely bet on attending my funeral if i died
24. ex out of facebook, listen to Any Color Black
25. spray my imitation Toms with that Pumpkin Linen Spray I got from my friend Hannah who has 6 sisters
26. wonder what it would've been like to have 6 sisters...
27. eat another handful of goldfish. THIS IS THE LAST HANDFUL TONIGHT SERIOUSLY.
28. realize it's really super cold in my room and crawl under the covers
29. go back on Twitter to post about how good I am at wasting time
30. decide making a whole blog post out of it would be much cuter
31. make a blog post
32. post it
33. tweet about it
34. make a facebook status about the tweet
35. email everyone in the UNIVERSE about the facebook status
36. text my whole address book to check their emails
37. is there any other way I can communicate with half the planet in about .5 seconds?
38. bite my nails
39. i should probably start writing that newspaper article i have due tuesday
40. i should probably start writing that TEN PAGE STORY i have due for my fiction class tomorrow, which is a really important assignment, not only because it's a major grade for the class, but because it incidentally also happens to be the thing i kind of want to do with my life
41. listen to anya marina's version of t.i.'s "whatever you like", #gawshiloveagoodremake
42. ok, ok, im gonna write now
43. write the story about a gay boy named alan, hand it in, its brilliant, get it published, pulitzer prize, lots of money, drop out of college, rich life in vienna
44. why vienna, we'll never know, it just sounded really good...
(the blogger has left to now commence working on #43, be back never)
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