Guess what guys! I am really super very excited to announce that this blog will be hosting a new feature! I know! Who would've thunk it! I'm not really a "feature" type of girl.
I've had a plethora of blogs in the past, ones that I've created and used and then deleted or created and never used and then deleted, and as of now, I think three are in existence and two are updated regularly. My tumblr: is the blog that I kind of just use for fun, for personal things or random things or pretty and exciting things that I want to post whenever. This blog, when I began it, was meant to be a place for me to post completed works of fiction that I wrote.
As it was, I wrote more, I think I once termed them "impassioned diatribes" than works of fiction, hence the name shift and, on the whole, a kind of purpose shift for the blog. But I don't want to stop posting fiction altogether, as that was kind of my original purpose, and it is, ultimately, what I most enjoy writing and the place I hope to eventually take my writing, in terms of a career and my life focus, etc.
So with that being said, I present to you Fiction Fridays. Now that my fiction class has ended, I have no reason to be writing fiction on a regular basis anymore, and that's not good, because that means that I won't. I just won't do it. And I need to be doing it. So to keep me writing fiction and to maybe make my blog a bit more fun and interesting? (maybe not) I'm going to have Fiction Fridays, at least once, maybe twice a month. These are Fridays on which I will be posting strictly works of fiction. I have no guidelines for the types or lengths or quality of fiction at the present. I'm also going to set the goal of just getting at least one Fiction Friday a month for now, and we'll see how that goes. For whatever reason, I seem to do a lot better at posting regularly when I'm actually at school, so that seems to indicate I will still be able to do my regular weekly post as well as a Fiction Friday on the week that the two coincide, but once again, no promises. We'll see what happens with it, where it goes. For now, I'm going to try it out and hopefully, it's not a complete flop! I hope you're looking forward to it! (Maybe. Kinda. Ok. Shut up.)
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